God is looking for a man that will take Him by His words so that He will show-case His glory in such person’s life. Are you prepared to be used by God? For you to sing a new song it is important to draw close to Him in righteousness. God is able to give you victory in all your life challenges but His desire is that you must live righteously.
Life has it’s challenges, Zechariah was a priest. He was blameless performed his priestly duties in God’s temple and walked in God’s commandment; yet he needed a child. That was a challenge. However, when God visited Zechariah to give him a new song, he doubted God’s message. You must not doubt God because it grieves Him, hold unto God’s word without wavering. Read Luke 1:5-18
Abraham believed God and it was counted for him as righteousness (Heb 11:8-18) what has God told you? Has he promised you healing, deliverance, a good job, children, breakthrough, etc? It may delay but will not be denied.
Every miracle start with a conversation. You must use your mouth to anchor your miracle. Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21)
Keep integrity in times of temptation and be honest at all times. Recognize who you are in the Lord. Don’t be intimidated by the enemy. When you do not lose hope, the Lord who turned the captivity of Zion will fight for you and give you a new song (Psalm 126:1-6)
You cannot sing a new song when Jesus is not Lord over your life. Who is your Lord and master? Are you still a slave to fear and trouble? What is that insurmountable rock in your life? Turn to Jesus. Let Him be your Lord and the rock of salvation. He can help you if you surrender your life to Him. Help comes from God alone who made Heaven and earth (Psalm 124:8) He will make life easy for you. May He order your steps to His divine blessings so that you can sing a new song in Jesus name.
Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. Ephesian 4:1, This simply implies living a godly and exemplary life, projecting your faith in God and the person of God as evidence in the life of our Lord and savior, Jesus name.
As Christians, our responses, attitudes and behavior in the work place, community, school, home and neighbourhood should speak well our belief and the new life we have taken after Christ.
Apostle Paul challenged us that we should live worthy of the name “Christian’’ by which we are identified and that the attitude and person of Christ should be seen in us. By so doing we would be able to build a strong interpersonal relationship that will draw people to God
(a) Love. Genuine love for others is the yardstick to determine our love for God (John 13:34) True agape love is the basis for relationship. 1Cor 13.
(b) Humility. (1 Pet 5:5) Humility will enhance our submission to one another and by it we shall be able to put others first.
(c) Endurance. This is the grace of God upon Christians to be able to tolerate people and situations.
(d) Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide believers into harmonious and peaceful relationship if we listen to Him and obey Him.
(a) Creating an Atmosphere of friendliness
- Be good to people
- Refrain from doing evil. 1 Cor. 4:2
- Do not exploit the poor. Prov. 22:2, 2 Cor.12:18
- Be generous in well doing. 2 Cor.9:5-13
(b) Walk place: a Christian would be a good representative of Christ in the place of work by being
- Punctuality
- Fruitfulness 1 Cor. 4:2
- Diligence Heb. 6:11, Rom 11:28
- Good human relationship with both subordinates and superiors
(c) Community: Christians should show good example life in
- Obedience to community rules and regulations such as traffic laws, environmental regulations, community security, payment of taxes etc
- Teamwork: Co-operating with others in the matters or things that are godly.
- Not being nuisance or constitute nuisance to others
- Landlord should be considerate and Tenants should be faithful to pay their rents
(d) Neighbourhood: Building strong interpersonal relationship with the neighbours at home, in the bus and other such places, the basic criteria is the exhibition of he fruit of the spirit. (Gal 5:22-23) which include love, joy, meekness, faith, longsuffering, peace, gentleness and temperance.
Building strong interpersonal relationship at all times and situations entail behaving ourselves in such a way that we would flow easily with people and the person of Christ in us would be glorified. It is however essential that Christians should live in righteousness with shoulder high above the world and live good exemplary lives worth emulation, life styles which would draw people to Christ.
To contend is to struggle, to strive, to stand for what you believe so that the devil will not take away from you.
Bible says in II Timothy 3:1-8 that in the last days perilous times shall come. To be able to successfully contend for the faith in these last days is to determine to serve God wholeheartedly. No man can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matt 6:24) money should be your servant not the other way round
You must be determined and declared it like Joshua to serve God no matter the circumstances. Running after the god of mammon and worldliness will lead you to hell. Seek God’s kingdom first and you will have other blessings at your disposal. Many have compromised their faith to seek other gods. You will either be a sinner or a saint. God enjoys His people to be saints unto Him, His Grace is sufficient for you. II Cor.12:9
You must bind yourself to God no matter what it takes
1. Watch and Pray: Matt 46:21 says you should watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.
2. Wait upon and Meditate on the word of God (Joshua 1:8) The only way to conquer or overcome the devil is with the word of God (Rev 12:11)
3. Guard your heart diligently for out of it comes the issue of Life (Prov. 4:23): let the meditation of your heart be holy (Read 4). As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is
4. Separate yourself from evil: Remember that God has called you unto righteousness Light has no communion with darkness
5. Walk in the Light of God: Live in obedient to His word (I John 2:6)
6. Preach the gospel in and out of season: The consciousness of God’s word will help you to live a life that is worthy of Christ. (II Chron. 4:2,5) You must be able to stand out for Jesus in your neighbourhood, God has given you the ability to stand firm for Him
7. You must be ready to endure hardship (II Tim 2:3-5): As a soldier of Christ, you must remember that long suffering is one of the fruit of the spirit. You must let patience have it’s perfect work in your life, so that having done all you need to do, you can stand for Jesus. Be contended with Jesus you have received because godliness with contentment is great gain.
Be like apostle Paul who could courageously say at the end of his ministry that he has fought the good fight of faith. God will not forget your labour of love as you stand for Him in this perilous times in Jesus name, Amen
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