Thursday, June 23, 2011



Believers are the first to be elected by God. The election or calling is not just in the name, it is in doing what you are called to do. Therefore you must give diligence to make your calling and election sure (2 Pet 1:10)

Meaning of your calling and election.
Jesus Christ called you to Himself to win souls unto Him. Anyone who has responded to the call of God or a call of salvation is basically elected by God
But it is not all that have responded to this call that will make heaven, this is why you should make sure that your calling and election is standing; that is to say, work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Read 1Pet. 5:1-10). Therefore making your salvation sure is no longer (100%) in the hands of God but in your own hands

Why should you make your calling and election sure?
1.       It is dangerous to be lukewarm or slack, you must wake up from sleep (Rom. 13:11)
2.       The coming of the Lord is imminent. It shall be like a thief in the night; God has called you to be a light in the dark world, therefore, you must live up to this purpose.

To sleep is to be insensitive to spiritual things, Christians who sleep wake up into confusion, fear, pandemonium etc. This must not be your portion. You may also be sleeping because of good things happening in your life. Be careful and do not use physical blessing to judge your spiritual life

3.       Recent happenings in the body of Christ: people now look up to human beings rather than God and they judge others wrongly, this is wrong; any doctrine that is not in line with God’s word is wrong. Do not copy such; it will take you to hell.

How can you make sure your calling and election?
1.       Take heed (that means ‘Pay attention) you must pay attention to who you are. Remember that you were once in darkness (Eph 5:8) but now you are in light, therefore, what you are supposed to do now is to pay attention to the nature of the light.
2.       Pay attention to the word of God: 1 Tim. 4:13
3.       Take heed on how your body dictate to you: do not be move by your flesh, for that is carnality which an enemy of God but be move by the spirit and taste after the things of the spirit and not the lust of the flesh.
4.       You need to watch and pray: do not wait for pastor to lay hands on you or to direct a prayer program, pray at all times, in your closet, in the toilet, in the house pray. Pray at all time!!

1.       Entering into eternal life: when you live the right life, you will worthy of God in quality and length of days/times
2.       Glorification: this means entering into heaven with all fullness of reward
3.       Your prayers get answered
4.       Blessing of God comes speedily

What you lose if you do not make sure your calling and election is that you will not enter into heaven and other benefits listed above will be debar from you
Therefore making sure your calling and election is in 2Tim. 4:6-8 God is the right and only true foundation. So let every builder build his or life well on the solid foundation. Since your work will be tested with fire you may suffer loss if you do not build on Jesus Christ (1 Cor 13:15) may you stand the test in Jesus name. Therefore renew your commitment to God today, do not just proclaim that you are save , take heed and work it out with fear and trembling to make your election sure.


What a fellowship,
What a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
What blessedness,
What a peace is mine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms

Lean.....ing, lean ... ing
Safe and secure from all alarms,
Lean ...ing lean ....ing
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Oh how sweet to walk
In the pilgrim way,
Leaning on the everlasting arms,
Oh, how bright the path grows
From day to day
Leaning on the everlasting arms

What have to dread
What have i to fear?
Leaning on the everlasting arms
I have blessed peace
With my lord so near
Leaning on the everlasting arms

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Break down your barrier to press forward (Joshua 17:12-18)

Every barrier that appears to be in your life is not true. It is just like paper and cannot withstand the power of God.
You were born complete. You are a finished product that is manifesting a bundle of potentials. You have the potentials to be great and go forward. Where you are now is the smallest position you will attain. Grater heights are coming ahead in Jesus name. If you are a child of God know that your future is certainly great because God has completed the building of your life.

However, there are seemingly walls of limitation ready to limit you from achieving your God-given blessings or opportunities. God used Joshua to divide the land to the children of Manasseh but occupying the God-given land is the duty of the people. Unfortunately, they could not occupy the land because they allowed the Canaanite into their territory, they did drive them out. Canaanite are the enemies of God’s people.
What are those barriers that will hinder you from moving forward?
1.       What you allow:
Whatever is the negative thing that you allow in your life may affect your future. Evil will limit you and frustrate your time of fulfilment. Therefore, free every appearance of evil. Do not fear evil or your enemies, if there is anything in your life you have not destroyed (like character or habit etc) you must make effort to destroy it. The spirit of fear will not dominate your life. Fear cripples; do not allow fear to cripple you. What you allow may limit your children also.

2.       What you pride in:
What do you take pride in? What you are proud of may limit you. There is nothing bad in being great, but you need to keep going up and break down your barrier to move forward. Do not be satisfied with what you have achieved, desire to be better. Beware of pride of attainment. Worshipping your recent past achievements may stagnate you (Phil 3:13-14) God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (1Pet 5:5)
3.       Misplacement of priority
Priority is knowing and doing the right thing at the right time. Joshua 12:23. May every of your steps be ordered by God. Misplacement of priority is not doing what is right at the right time. Joshua 17:18 say you should clear the bush because whatever is wood (bush) in the land of your life is a hindrance to your moving forward (Joshua 17:16-18
Also you must be faithful in small things so that God can release greater things to you. Be faithful to God and drive out all the Canaanites in your life
 (Through the love of God our savior)
Through the love of God our savior. All is well.
Free and changeless is His favour. All will be well
Precious is the blood that healed us, perfect is the grace that sealed us,
Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us. All must be well

Though we pass through tribulation. All will be well
Ours is such a full salvation, All, all is well
Happy still in God confiding
Faithful if in Christ abiding,
Holy through the spirit’s guiding
All must be well

We expect a bright tomorrow
All will be well
Faith can sing through
Days of sorrow
All will be well
On our father’s love relying,
Jesus every need supplying
Or in living or in dying
All must be well.