MULTIPLICATION THROUGH COMMITMENT AND SACRIFICE (1 Cor. 9:19-23, 11 Cor. 4:7-10, Acts 5:12-15)
The first Sunday of October is the barley harvest Sunday in Four square Gospel Church . It is a period to remind ourselves as a movement of our commitment to the great commission, church planting, church growth and missionary endeavours. This is our focus.
Everything God has created is for a purpose, just as every part of the human body is created for a particular function, you are created to accomplish the purpose of God.
John the Baptist had to be born to introduce Jesus Christ. This was so that we might be delivered from the hands of the devil (Luke 1:74.) God saved you so that you can serve Him wholeheartedly, every other blessing will be added unto you (Matt 6:33)
(a) Multiplication through your commitment to soul-winning:
Commitment means dedication to a cause, an aim, a promise or obligation. It requires a life of sacrifice. Surrounding your life for God’s use in the area of soul winning is sacrifice but also rewarding. Bible says he that wins souls is wise (Prov. 11:30) Soul winning (Evangelism) is the heartbeat of God. It is also the priority of the church like Paul (1 Cor. 9:19-21; Mark 16:5 and Romans 1:16) you need to preach the gospel using the instrument of humility and love (Romans 15:1) You must be committed to soul winning because it is the greatest business of God. It depopulates hell and populates the kingdom of God . You commitment through prayer is also very necessary and ultimate (Luke 18:1-7) Therefore pray for hardened sinners, Christians and missionaries facing persecution and also sinners who are already sold out to perdition.
(b) Multiplication through your sacrifice:
As a child of God you must live a life of sacrifice. For any valuable thing in life you must pay a prize. This also is sacrifice all for the sake of the gospel- sacrifice your time, talent, gifts etc to bring men and women to God.
(c) Commitment and sacrifice by Kingdom minded people:
To be kingdom minded is to constantly think about and respond promptly to the things of God. Kingdom mindedness is to be open to positive believes, it is progressive, its gates are shut to the negative. Therefore, your commitment will produce a great harvest if you are kingdom minded (Psalm 126:6) God will be committed to do His work at every point in time, even through you (Acts 12:12-13)
Ultimately, therefore, duty calls for you as a Christian to wake up and work vigorously to meet God’s eternal purpose for the kingdom. He needs your commitment and sacrifice for missions.
(Missions encompass evangelism, soul winning, church planting, discipleship and church growth.) As you do this without any divergence, you will not go unrewarded. Rise to the challenge, pray and ask God to help you.
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