A REVOLITIONARY way of screening the entire human genome for the genetic sign-posts of disease has produces its latest success – the first inherited link to common migraine and a possible reason for extreme headaches.
The technique, which scans all 23 pairs of human chromosomes in a single sweep has found the first genetic risk factor that predisposes someone to the common form of migraine, which affects one in 6 women and one in 12 men. The discovery has immediately led to a new possible cause of migraine by alerting scientists to DNA defects involved in the build-up of substance in the nerves of sufferers that could be the trigger for their migraine.
Scientist believe the findings could lead both to a better understanding as well as new treatments for the chronic and debilitating condition, which is estimated to be one of the most costly brain-related disorders in society, causing countless lost working days.
Scanning the entire blueprint of human DNA by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has had a profound effect on the understanding of a range of other medical conditions over the past few years, from heart disease and obesity to bipolar disorder and testicular cancer. The study of migraine, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was an archetypal example of the new approach of medical genetics using the GWAS technique. Scientist analyzed the genomes of some 5,000 people with migraine and compared their DNA to that unaffected people to see if there were any significant differences that could be linked statistically to the condition.
The GWAS test uses arrays of specially designed fragments of DNA that could identify different sets of markers or genetic signposts in a person’s genome. By analyzing thousands of genomes, the scientists are able to build up a picture of DNA markers in a patient’s genome pointing to the presence of defective genes that could predispose someone to migraine or any other common illness known to have a genetic element.
This is the first time we have been able to peer into the genomes of many thousands of people and find genetic clues to understand common migraine said Dr. Aarno Palotie, chair of international headache genetics consortium at the welcome Trust Sanger institute in Cambridge. ‘studies of this kind are possible only through scale international collaboration so that we could pick out this genetic variant. This discovery opens new doors to understanding common human diseases’’
The scientists behind the migraine study scanned the entire genomes of some 50,000 people in total, a huge undertaking that was only possible because of the availability of relatively cheap commercial GWAS kits that can be used to screen all of a person’s 46 chromosomes in a single sweep.
The insight that this approach has given scientists could only be dreamed of 10 or 15 year ago, suddenly, it is becoming possible to tease out the influences of the many different genes that may be involved in raising the risk of developing a particular condition, Alzheimer’s. a decade or two ago this genetic component to common diseases was only known about from a person’s family history of disease
The children of parents who had both died of heart disease were known to be statistically more likely to die of the disease themselves, but the nature of the genes involved in causing this predisposition was largely a mystery until GWAS came along.
‘’I think it has revolutionized the way we can tackle these diseases, we have identified new pathways to disease and new possible cause that we did not know before’’ Dr. Palotie said
Its like the difference between night and the day, between black and white photographs and colour pictures, he added
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, which led much of the effort to decode the human genome has been an eager pioneer of the GWAS technique and has established many initiatives over the past few years to exploit its revolutionary potentials for teasing out the genetic components of common diseases – the nature in the nature-nurture debate.
At the Sanger Institute alone, GWAS is being used to find the genetic variants of heart disease, cholesterol levels, bipolar disease, breast and testicular cancers, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes.
Your reward can be stopped as a result of your own doing. Once God has determined to reward you, no power of the enemy can stop it. If the enemy is having an upper hand in your life checks yourself. The case is different if you are passing through a period of trial allowed by God in order to pass a message across through you like the case of Job or God wants to teach you a particular lesson and so allows the enemy for a while.
Obedience is very important principle in God’s kingdom. When you are obedient to Him there are certain promises in His words that you will receive without praying.
There are 2 types of rewards
1. Earthly reward
2. Heavenly reward.
Earthly reward refers to the reward God gives to you here on earth – children, money, sound health etc. whatever God gives to you is primarily for His purpose i.e to lift up/glorify His name.
Heavenly reward refers to eternal reward that awaits you in Heaven. You must not forget this reward because you are carried away with earthly blessings. Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool; what house will ye build me? Saith the Lord; or what is the place of my rest? Acts7:49. God does not live in a house made with hands; rather He lives in us
Who are you in Christ? You ought to be a labourer in His vineyard. But when you abandon God things/house and allow His house to be in ruins after He has blessed you, He can blow your blessing/reward away (Haggai 1:9) Therefore you must take care of God’s house
Your life in Christ is intact and is robust in Jesus name. eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither has it entered the heart of man, the things God has prepared for them that loves Him, but you must continue to hold unto God and obey Him. What is your contribution to the house of God? Luke 15:25-38
What is your area of labour in the body of Christ; what is God depending on you for? Bible says in Gal 6:7. That a man will reap what he has sown. God will not deny you of your reward if you labour or are laboring for Him. The labourere is worthy of his wages Luke 10:7
You are more under curse because Jesus has taken away all the curses and nailed to a tree. But to be free from these curses your obedience to God must be complete.
God is coming with His reward for a glorious church without blemish; no spot/wrinkles (Ephesians 5:25-27) Stop displaying dual character. As God’s child you ought to manifest the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22-25)
According to God’s word you are already blessed (Ephesians 1:1) But you must take heed so that you do not stop your reward with your hands by neglecting your responsibilities in God’s house. Your reward will be your portion and it will be exceedingly great as you learn to obey God and discern the body of Christ.