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MULTIPLICATION THROUGH COMMITMENT AND SACRIFICE (1 Cor. 9:19-23, 11 Cor. 4:7-10, Acts 5:12-15)
The first Sunday of October is the barley harvest Sunday in Four square GospelChurch. It is a period to remind ourselves as a movement of our commitment to the great commission, church planting, church growth and missionary endeavours. This is our focus.
Everything God has created is for a purpose, just as every part of the human body is created for a particular function, you are created to accomplish the purpose of God.
John the Baptist had to be born to introduce Jesus Christ. This was so that we might be delivered from the hands of the devil (Luke 1:74.) God saved you so that you can serve Him wholeheartedly, every other blessing will be added unto you (Matt 6:33)
(a)Multiplication through your commitment to soul-winning:
Commitment means dedication to a cause, an aim, a promise or obligation. It requires a life of sacrifice. Surrounding your life for God’s use in the area of soul winning is sacrifice but also rewarding. Bible says he that wins souls is wise (Prov. 11:30) Soul winning (Evangelism) is the heartbeat of God. It is also the priority of the church like Paul (1 Cor. 9:19-21; Mark 16:5 and Romans 1:16) you need to preach the gospel using the instrument of humility and love (Romans 15:1) You must be committed to soul winning because it is the greatest business of God. It depopulates hell and populates the kingdom of God. You commitment through prayer is also very necessary and ultimate (Luke 18:1-7) Therefore pray for hardened sinners, Christians and missionaries facing persecution and also sinners who are already sold out to perdition.
(b)Multiplication through your sacrifice:
As a child of God you must live a life of sacrifice. For any valuable thing in life you must pay a prize. This also is sacrifice all for the sake of the gospel- sacrifice your time, talent, gifts etc to bring men and women to God.
(c)Commitment and sacrifice by Kingdom minded people:
To be kingdom minded is to constantly think about and respond promptly to the things of God. Kingdom mindedness is to be open to positive believes, it is progressive, its gates are shut to the negative. Therefore, your commitment will produce a great harvest if you are kingdom minded (Psalm 126:6) God will be committed to do His work at every point in time, even through you (Acts 12:12-13)
Ultimately, therefore, duty calls for you as a Christian to wake up and work vigorously to meet God’s eternal purpose for the kingdom. He needs your commitment and sacrifice for missions.
(Missions encompass evangelism, soul winning, church planting, discipleship and church growth.) As you do this without any divergence, you will not go unrewarded. Rise to the challenge, pray and ask God to help you.
Christopher Barlett is Thomas D. Casserly Jr. professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Before joining the faculty of Harvard, he was a marketing manager with Alcoa in Australia, a management consultant in Mckinsey and company’s London office, and general manager at Baxter Laboratories’ subsidiary company in France.
His research interests have focused on the strategic and organizational challenges which managers face in running multinational corporations, and these interests have been reflected in his most successful books.
Managing across Borders was cited by the Financial Times as one of the50 most influential business books of the country.
Managing across borders
Ghoshal and Bartlett’s thinking begins with two fundamental questions:
·What does strategy mean?
·Why do the time-honored business models-exemplified by Alfred Sloan’s General Motors-no longer work?
Their initial search involved asking over 250 managers in nine multinational companies how their companies were facing up to the complexities of international competition and the growing global marketplace. They identified a pervasive organizational inability to cope, survive and succeed in the face of growing diversity and accelerating change.
They found three types of organizational model in operation:
·The multinational model, exemplified by Philip or Unilever – a decentralized federation of local firms held together by posting key people from the centre.
·The global model, exemplified by Ford and Matsuishita – benefiting from large scale economies and conduits into new market opportunities
·A more widespread international model – focusing on technology and the transfer of knowledge to less advanced environments.
They concluded that a fourth model was necessary – the transnational – which would combine all the element of the other three and in addition, exploit local know-how as a key weapon in identifying opportunities and not operate overseas sites as outposts of the centre.
To understand why the old model no longer worked, Ghoshal examined Alfred Sloan’s General Motors, the pioneer of the three Ss (Strategy-structure-system) emulated by other companies for decades.
The three Ss were designed to make the management of complex organizations systematic and predictable. The top people in the organization crafted the strategy, and then designed the structure that enabled it to unfold and the system that made it operational. The information system they relied on dealt with facts and reduced the human element to a minimum. Employees on Ford’s assembly lines, for example, were viewed as replaceable parts; ITT under Harold Geneen, abolished the possibility of surprise by constantly establishing unshakeable facts
For years the systematic approach worked. It started to break down only in the 1980s, when converging technologies, fluctuation markets, overnight competition, and technological innovation combined to make its control systems cumbersome, unresponsive and ultimately a risk to the survival of the organization itself. An article by Ghoshal Christopher Barlett and Peter Moran in the Sloan Management Review, Spring 1999 (A new manifesto for management pp 9-20) pointed out that criticisms of these systems for stifling initiative, creativity and diversity were valid. They were designed for an organization man who has turned out to be an evolutionary dead end (p. 11)
In the same article, the author implicitly attacked Michael Porter’s work. Porter had influenced strategic thinking for over a decade by arguing that organizations must beat the competition by gaining a stronghold on value, that is, by either reducing competitions’ value (perhaps through competitive incremental cost or quality improvements) or buying them out Ghoshal wrote: ‘’Porter’s theory is static in that it focuses strategic thinking on getting the largest possible share of a fixed economic pie (p 12) FOR Ghoshal companies exist not to appropriate value but to create it – and they get themselves into a position to be able create value by changing the smell of the place .
Ghoshal developed his “springtime theory” while teaching business policy at INSEAD in the forest of Fontainebleau, south of Paris. During a summer visit to his home city of Calcutta, he found the humidity oppressive and draining and likened this to the stultifying atmosphere in control- and system-oriented corporate climates. Later, walking in the woods at Fontainebleau, he realized that the fresh, energizing forest reminded him of the cultural atmosphere of more open and dynamic organizations .From this he went on to propound his springtime theory, arguing that managers and approaches to management strongly affect cultures and can create or change the organizational context, “the smell of the place” But how.
Ghoshal considered that today’s leading companies are built around the three Ps. Purpose, Process and People. In an interview in management skill and development, he claimed that, as shapers of purpose, senior managers need to create a shared ambition among their staff, instill organizational values and provide personal meaning for the work their staff do. Creating that shared ambition is an active management process that challenges poor performance, establishes a common goal, demonstrates managers commitment and self-discipline and provide meaning for everyone’s effort (P 40)
In the same interview, Ghoshal also stressed the need for organizations to:
·Start thinking outside the strategic planning box examining how they actually learn.
·Complement vertical information flows with horizontal personal relationships
·Build a trust-based culture by spreading a message of genuine openness
·Share all the information that has traditionally been a source of power
He said: you cannot have faith in people unless you take action to improve and develop them. The success of businesses depends now more than ever on the talent of people working for them (P.39) in short, organizations need to forge a new moral contract with their people.
In the past, the contract between organizations and employees promised relative security in return for conformity. In the 1990s, however, this changed; job security was undermined by downsizing and re-engineering, while managerial approaches such as total quality management and customer focus demanded more involvement and initiative from employees. The new contract Ghoshal proposed is based on developing employability and providing challenging jobs rather than functional boxes. It should be neither viewed neither as altruism on the company’s part nor as something imposed on employees. It is rather, a new management philosophy that recognizes that personal development both improves employees’ performance and make them more employable in their future working lives, and that market performance stems from the initiative, creativity and skills of all employees and not just the wisdom of senior management.
Such a contract involves a great leap for both organizations and employees. Employers must create a working environment with opportunities
For personal and professional growth, within a management environment in which it is understood must make greater commitment to continuous learning and development and the only hedge against a changing market.
Ghoshal felt strongly that organization must stop focusing on squeezing out every last cost saving waste reduction or improvement in quality or efficiency. That may seem like the ultimate goal of TQM and continuous improvement, but organizations with that sole aim are only good at improving existing activities. Their emphasis is wholly on conservation, which, as Ghoshal pointed out, jack Welch of GE described as a ‘ticket to the bonyyard’
The main message of Ghoshal and Bartlett’s most recent book, The individualized Corporation (1998) was a key to competitive advantage in a turbulent economy is a company’s ability to innovate its way out of relentless market pressure. As companies shift emphasis from acquiring value to creating it, managers should shift their focus away from obedience, control and conformity to initiative, relationship building and continuous challenge of the status quo. Instead of being cogs in a system, they should become facilitators and people developers, drawing creativity from others.
Doing the time that Ghoshal came to prominence, his focus shifted from international strategy to the importance of putting people, creativity and innovation at the top of the agenda and of emphasizing high-quality management as a social and moral value-creating force.
Bartlett, Christopher, and Sumantra Ghoshal. Managing Across Borders. 2nd edition.
London: Hutchinson Business, 1989
Bartlett, Christopher, and Sumantra Ghoshal: The individualized Corporation: A fundamental New approach to management. London: Heinemann 1998
To proclaim the good news is to publicly and officially declare the love of Jesus to many who believe in Him and His death on the cross just to save mankind
The best miracle that can ever happen to man is the miracle of salvation. Jesus therefore commands everyone in Mark 16:15-19 to go forth and tell about the good news of salvation. You need to declare the saving grace of Jesus. Proclaim it, speak it to all and sundry.
And they went out and preached everywhere, the lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs! Amen (Mark 16:20)
The disciples of Jesus went and preached everywhere after the command of Jesus. Having obeyed that command, what followed that obedience were signs and wonders.
Your primary assignment as a Christian is to be effective in proclaiming the good news. In John 4:28-29, 39, the Samaritan woman encountered Jesus. Many of the Samaritans came to the knowledge Jesus Christ because of the saying of the woman.
As a Christian who has encountered Christ you need to tell others your experience. Your life must preach Jesus even in silence. This means that your character must preach the good news.
How will you be effective in proclaiming the good news if you have no character? You must know that there is no charisma or integrity without character.
The beautiful attitude that Jesus expects from you are recorded in Matthew 5:1-16. You must be a peace maker and be at peace with your neighbours. As a Christian you can also proclaim the good news through the manifestation of the power of God in you. Consider the account of the layman at the beautiful gate. Peter spoke the word in the name of Jesus and he was healed (Acts 3:1-9). You can also allow God to use you.
Brethren can preach the good news by their relationship with one another. When the love of Christ radiates among God’s people, it will win many souls to God. Therefore, Christians are to truly love one another so as to show the love of Christ.
Are you dependable and honest? Are you still salt, can you still season the world and make the life around you sweet? Are you still light, can you still shine as the light that Jesus made you to be? Read Matthew 5:13-16. If your answer is no, rededicate your life to God today and ask for His Grace.
Are you yet to know Jesus? Then it is impossible to proclaim the one you do not know. But you have an opportunity now to encounter Him so that you can also share this good news of salvation with others.
Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your sins to Jesus. Truly repent of them and determine in your heart to forsake them. Pray to Him come into your life. If you have honestly and wholeheartedly done these things, begin to serve Him and proclaim the good news of salvation which you have just received
God is looking for a man that will take Him by His words so that He will show-case His glory in such person’s life. Are you prepared to be used by God? For you to sing a new song it is important to draw close to Him in righteousness. God is able to give you victory in all your life challenges but His desire is that you must live righteously.
Life has it’s challenges, Zechariah was a priest. He was blameless performed his priestly duties in God’s temple and walked in God’s commandment; yet he needed a child. That was a challenge. However, when God visited Zechariah to give him a new song, he doubted God’s message. You must not doubt God because it grieves Him, hold unto God’s word without wavering. Read Luke 1:5-18
Abraham believed God and it was counted for him as righteousness (Heb 11:8-18) what has God told you? Has he promised you healing, deliverance, a good job, children, breakthrough, etc? It may delay but will not be denied.
Every miracle start with a conversation. You must use your mouth to anchor your miracle. Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21)
Keep integrity in times of temptation and be honest at all times. Recognize who you are in the Lord. Don’t be intimidated by the enemy. When you do not lose hope, the Lord who turned the captivity of Zion will fight for you and give you a new song (Psalm 126:1-6)
You cannot sing a new song when Jesus is not Lord over your life. Who is your Lord and master? Are you still a slave to fear and trouble? What is that insurmountable rock in your life? Turn to Jesus. Let Him be your Lord and the rock of salvation. He can help you if you surrender your life to Him. Help comes from God alone who made Heaven and earth (Psalm 124:8) He will make life easy for you. May He order your steps to His divine blessings so that you can sing a new song in Jesus name.
Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. Ephesian 4:1, This simply implies living a godly and exemplary life, projecting your faith in God and the person of God as evidence in the life of our Lord and savior, Jesus name.
As Christians, our responses, attitudes and behavior in the work place, community, school, home and neighbourhood should speak well our belief and the new life we have taken after Christ.
Apostle Paul challenged us that we should live worthy of the name “Christian’’ by which we are identified and that the attitude and person of Christ should be seen in us. By so doing we would be able to build a strong interpersonal relationship that will draw people to God
(a)Love. Genuine love for others is the yardstick to determine our love for God (John 13:34) True agape love is the basis for relationship. 1Cor 13.
(b)Humility. (1 Pet 5:5) Humility will enhance our submission to one another and by it we shall be able to put others first.
(c)Endurance. This is the grace of God upon Christians to be able to tolerate people and situations.
(d)Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide believers into harmonious and peaceful relationship if we listen to Him and obey Him.
(a)Creating an Atmosphere of friendliness
-Be good to people
-Refrain from doing evil. 1 Cor. 4:2
-Do not exploit the poor. Prov. 22:2, 2 Cor.12:18
-Be generous in well doing. 2 Cor.9:5-13
(b)Walk place: a Christian would be a good representative of Christ in the place of work by being
-Fruitfulness 1 Cor. 4:2
-Diligence Heb. 6:11, Rom 11:28
-Good human relationship with both subordinates and superiors
(c)Community: Christians should show good example life in
-Obedience to community rules and regulations such as traffic laws, environmental regulations, community security, payment of taxes etc
-Teamwork: Co-operating with others in the matters or things that are godly.
-Not being nuisance or constitute nuisance to others
-Landlord should be considerate and Tenants should be faithful to pay their rents
(d)Neighbourhood: Building strong interpersonal relationship with the neighbours at home, in the bus and other such places, the basic criteria is the exhibition of he fruit of the spirit. (Gal 5:22-23) which include love, joy, meekness, faith, longsuffering, peace, gentleness and temperance.
Building strong interpersonal relationship at all times and situations entail behaving ourselves in such a way that we would flow easily with people and the person of Christ in us would be glorified. It is however essential that Christians should live in righteousness with shoulder high above the world and live good exemplary lives worth emulation, life styles which would draw people to Christ.
To contend is to struggle, to strive, to stand for what you believe so that the devil will not take away from you.
Bible says in II Timothy 3:1-8 that in the last days perilous times shall come. To be able to successfully contend for the faith in these last days is to determine to serve God wholeheartedly. No man can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matt 6:24) money should be your servant not the other way round
You must be determined and declared it like Joshua to serve God no matter the circumstances. Running after the god of mammon and worldliness will lead you to hell. Seek God’s kingdom first and you will have other blessings at your disposal. Many have compromised their faith to seek other gods. You will either be a sinner or a saint. God enjoys His people to be saints unto Him, His Grace is sufficient for you. II Cor.12:9
You must bind yourself to God no matter what it takes
1.Watch and Pray: Matt 46:21 says you should watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.
2.Wait upon and Meditate on the word of God (Joshua 1:8) The only way to conquer or overcome the devil is with the word of God (Rev 12:11)
3.Guard your heart diligently for out of it comes the issue of Life (Prov. 4:23): let the meditation of your heart be holy (Read 4). As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is
4.Separate yourself from evil: Remember that God has called you unto righteousness Light has no communion with darkness
5.Walk in the Light of God: Live in obedient to His word (I John 2:6)
6.Preach the gospel in and out of season: The consciousness of God’s word will help you to live a life that is worthy of Christ. (II Chron. 4:2,5) You must be able to stand out for Jesus in your neighbourhood, God has given you the ability to stand firm for Him
7.You must be ready to endure hardship (II Tim 2:3-5): As a soldier of Christ, you must remember that long suffering is one of the fruit of the spirit. You must let patience have it’s perfect work in your life, so that having done all you need to do, you can stand for Jesus. Be contended with Jesus you have received because godliness with contentment is great gain.
Be like apostle Paul who could courageously say at the end of his ministry that he has fought the good fight of faith. God will not forget your labour of love as you stand for Him in this perilous times in Jesus name, Amen