The home is a small unit designed by God and consisting of a man, his wife and possibly children. The world is the entire environment where the home operates.
Reasons why God designed the home:
- So that His children will have dominion over all other creatures made by Him.
- So that His children will be fruitful and increase in all aspects, fill the earth and then subdue it. Read Genesis 1:26-28
- God designed the home so that He could use it as a medium to perform signs and wonders Isaiah 8:18. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27) God made them male and female from the beginning so as to add variety to life through feminity and masculinity. For this reasons we have different strength, different weaknesses, different likes and different dislikes etc
- God designed the home to solve the problem of loneliness, Read Genesis 2:18. Are you married but still lonely? Then prayerfully seek God’s guidance and the right counsel so as to put things in order. You must not seek worldly counsel; rather seek godly counsel from God’s servant so that God who is the architect of the home will put your home in order. Only Him can fix any problem in the home.
The home designed by God in Genesis 1:27 was for a man and a woman. This is why a Christian marriage is God’s creation of life – long union of a man and woman joined in matrimony to the exclusion of all others. Which means polygamy, polyandry, lesbianism, homosexuality and cohabiting without paying of bride price etc are not included in this definition. God’s idea from the beginning is monogamy.
It takes time, patience and God’s wisdom to build a home and ensure that your home does not become a house or just a dwelling place for the man and the woman. The home must be a wonderful world for you as a married man or woman
Essentials in the home
All the essentials you need to make your home a wonderful world is contained in Genesis chapters 1,2 and 3
Your home must be a place of peace and comfort. There must be mutual respect in the home. Always remember that respect is reciprocal and your children if any will copy you and do likewise. In Genesis 2:18 God gave Adam a helper comparable to him. Not a slave girl or just a housewife. So you must not turn your wife to a slave or punching bag. God’s word must take precedence over culture/tradition in your home
If you are a woman, you must posses a gentle and quiet spirit and be submissive. Be wise enough to build your home (Proverb 14:1) Are you a man? It must not be difficult for you to love your wife. When the home is at peace, everything about you will be at peace. This means that your world will radiate peace and influence other lives for Jesus. This is God’s desire for you. So go ahead and make your home a wonderful world.
A witness is a person who is to declare what he or she has seen or encountered someone who has an evidence or proof of something. Are you a living witness for Jesus Christ?
There are three areas through which you can be a witness and they are:
- Witnessing Through Your Way Of Life
You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men……..written not with ink but by the spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is of the heart (2 Corinthians 3:2-3)
You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) As a born again child of God you must know that you are on an assignment in this world. How are you living your life? What are you doing with the salvation you have received? Wherever you are – office, home, market etc you need to shine as light and reflect the Lord Jesus Christ who you are serving. You must be an epistle for people to read, your character must resemble that of Jesus as was said of the Christians in Antioch.
- Witnessing Through The Gospel
And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creatures. He who believe and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:15-16)
You have been saved for a purpose. Jesus Christ after He died and rose from the grave commissioned the ministry of soul wining into your hands. Are you doing just that for which he paid the price? In Acts 1:18 Jesus Christ said you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be His witness. As a disciple of Jesus you must desire to do His will. You must preach the gospel to unbelievers because souls are precious to Him. He does not desire that any should perish.
- Witnessing through personal Testimony
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with one in the suffering for the gospel according to the power of God who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our work, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began (2 Timothy 1:8, 9)
You must not be ashamed to share the testimony of what God has done in your life
In John 4:28 the Samaritan woman proclaimed the testimony of her encounter with Jesus. You must not hide your testimony because God will be displeased with and ashamed of you. God will also hesitate to bless you if you hesitate to declare His goodness.
You must not allow your past to also hinder you from having a testimony. As you surrender totally to Him. He will transform your life and make you an evidence of His transformation power
Therefore be a living epistle, a true witness of Jesus Christ. Let your life be a pointer to Him who is your source. Stop living a double life. Begin to witness for Him from this moment.

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