Tuesday, August 31, 2010

20. Every morning drink 1 glass of warm water mixed with 1-2 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to purify the blood and clean the bowels.
21. Take 30ML of cabbage juice and mix 1 teaspoon of honey in it. This mixture if applied regularly to the face, keeps the wrinkle away.
23. Mix Besan, Besara powders and mustard oil to semi solid paste and apply it on your face. It will bring a marvelous glow to the skin.
24. For any kind of discolorations, grind equal amount of sesame seeds and furmeric on small amount of water and apply to the face to remove unwanted hair.
25. Regular steam inhalation with few drops of tree oil blended into hot water soothes the throat and lungs in case of cold.
26. Prepare an emulsion by mixing 1 part of sandalwood with 3 part of fresh lemon and apply on the scalp for dandruff.
27. To cure headache, make a paste of 1 teaspoon of scandelwood powder with 1 teaspoon of water and apply it on your temple, let it dry for 20 minutes.
28. Place fumetric (Hilde) powder or Basil (Tulsi) leaves in boiling water and take a minor steam bathe for your face to treat pimples.
29. Putting a drop of honey in the eyes, once a week can beneficial, it causes a bit irritation but helps to cleanse the eyes.
30. Soak 7 almonds and 7 Raisins overnight in water and eat them on the next morning with 250ML of warm milk, it’s good for health.
31. Apply orange juice or mint juice to your face regularly to get rid of marks and for making your skin soft and smooth.
32. Fried harad powder prepared with ghee taken with warm water twice a day is very effective in constipation problems.
33. Premature aging can be prevented by messaging the face with ghee, almond oil or coconut oil before going to bed.
34. To reduce hair loss, boil 1 cup of water, add a teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink.
35. Eyesight can be improved by consuming a mixture of 2 teaspoon of honey with carrot juice on a regular basis.
36. Consuming ginger, mixed with a few drops of lemon, gives instant relief in case of gastric problem.
37. Extract coriander leaves in water, stain and use them as mouth wash for mouth ulcers.
38. Good eating habit is a strong foundation for good health. Its important to eat what you like and also experiment with variety of rich foods.
39. Avoid fatty food and go for low fat foods that will help you to control bodily weight.
40. Sleep of 8 hours is a must; it will keep you fresh throughout the next day.
41. Quit smoking as the nicotine present in it weakens your heart and shortens the life span.
42. Always maintain a balance between your work and rest. Don’t let stress kill you rather kill the stress by dealing with it smartly.
43. For growing children, juice of tomatoes and carrot mixed with a little honey works as a great tonic. Try it.
44. Drinking water is good for the health but sometimes excessive intake may lead to cause strain on your kidney. Keep a check on this.

1 comment:

  1. Your write up on Health is wonderful I think people will benefit from here most especially those that need remedy on their health issues.

    keep it up.
